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Apply for Membership

Please click the button below, fill out the application and we will contact you about membership. Referrals from existing members or friends of Mind Quest are required. 

We have a limited number of Memberships available, if Membership is full you may be added to the waitlist. 

Legal Disclosure: Mind Quest strongly encourages all members to seek our professional advise, including but not limited to advise from physical health providers, mental health providers, or lawyers, as appropriate, before they undertake any actions that could have an impact on their physical, mental, or emotional health, or which could impact their legal rights. Mind Quest is not responsible for any actions or inactions of the user of this website, materials, products and gifts. The materials within this website, products, and gifts were produced without any regulatory oversight for health, safety or efficacy. Please remember that you are 100% responsible for your actions and the subsequent consequences. By becoming a member of you agree to a blanket waiver of any liability whatsoever on the part of Mind Quest, its Owners, and the suppliers of its products and information. 

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